76 research outputs found

    An improved spectral inequality for sums of eigenfunctions

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    We establish a new spectral inequality for the quantified estimation of the HsH^s-norm, s≥0s\ge 0 of a finite linear combination of eigenfunctions in a domain in terms of its HsH^s-norm in a strictly open subset of the whole domain. The corresponding upper bound depends exponentially on the square root of the frequency number associated to the linear combination

    A stability result for the identification of a permeability parameter on Navier-Stokes equations

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    In this work, we present a stability result for the inverse problem of recovering a smooth scalar permeability parameter given by the Brinkman's law applied to the steady Navier-Stokes equations from local observations of the fluid velocity on a fixed domain. In comparison with (Choulli et al 2013 Appl. Anal. 92 2127-43), we prove a logarithmic estimate under weaker assumptions, since our proof is based in a strategy that does not require pressure observations. This kind or result are useful for inverse problems in soft tissue elastography (see Honarvar et al 2012 Phys. Med. Biol. 57 5909-27). Finally, we present some numerical tests that validate our theoretical results

    Cooling in the shade of warped transition disks

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    The mass of the gaseous reservoir in young circumstellar disks is a crucial initial condition for the formation of planetary systems, but estimates vary by orders of magnitude. In some disks with resolvable cavities, sharp inner disk warps cast two-sided shadows on the outer rings; can the cooling of the gas as it crosses the shadows bring constraints on its mass? The finite cooling timescale should result in dust temperature decrements shifted ahead of the optical/IR shadows in the direction of rotation. However, some systems show temperature drops, while others do not. The depth of the drops and the amplitude of the shift depend on the outer disk surface density Sigma through the extent of cooling during the shadow crossing time, and also on the efficiency of radiative diffusion. These phenomena may bear observational counterparts, which we describe with a simple one-dimensional model. An application to the HD142527 disk suggests an asymmetry in its shadows, and predicts a >~10deg shift for a massive gaseous disk, with peak Sigma > 8.3 g/cm2. Another application to the DoAr44 disk limits the peak surface density to Sigma < 13g/cm2Comment: accepted to MNRAS Letter

    Approximate controllability for a linear model of fluid structure interaction

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    Abstract. We consider a linear model of interaction between a viscous incompressible fluid and a thin elastic structure located on a part of the fluid domain boundary, the other part being rigid. After having given an existence and uniqueness result for the direct problem, we study the question of approximate controllability for this system when the control acts as a normal force applied to the structure. The case of an analytic boundary has been studied by Lions and Zuazua in [9] where, in particular, a counterexample is given when the fluid domain is a ball. We prove a result of approximate controllability in the 2d-case when the rigid and the elastic parts of the boundary make a rectangular corner and if the control acts on the whole elastic structure. Resume. Nous considerons un modele lineaire d’interaction entre un fluide visqueux incompressible et une structure elastique mince situee sur une partie de la frontiere du domaine fluide, l’autre partie de la frontiere etant rigide. Apres avoir donne un resultat d’existence et d’unicite pour le probleme direct, nous etudions la question de la contrôlabilite approchee pour ce systeme lorsque le contrôle agit comme une force normale appliquee a la structure. Le cas d’une frontiere analytique a ete etudie par Lions et Zuazua dans [9] ou, en particulier, un contre exemple est donne lorsque le domaine fluide est une boule. Nous montrons un resultat de contrôlabilite approchee dans le cas 2d quand les parties rigide et elastique de la frontiere forment un angle droit et si le contrôle agit sur toute la structur

    Modeling of cardiac fibers as oriented liquid crystals

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    In this work we propose a mathematical model that describes the orientation of ventricular cardiac fibers. These fibers are commonly computed as the normalized gradient of certain harmonic potentials, so our work consisted in finding the equations that such a vector field satisfies, considering the unitary norm constraint. The resulting equations belong to the Frank-Oseen theory of nematic liquid crystals, which yield a bulk of mathematical properties to the cardiac fibers, such as the characterization of singularities. The numerical methods available in literature are computationally expensive and not sufficiently robust for the complex geometries obtained from the human heart, so we also propose a preconditioned projected gradient descent scheme that circumvents these difficulties in the tested scenarios. The resulting model further confirms recent experimental observations of liquid crystal behavior of soft tissue, and provides an accurate mathematical description of such behavior

    A distributed resistance inverse method for flow obstacle identification from internal velocity measurements

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    We present a penalization parameter method for obstacle identification in an incompressible fluid flow for a modified version of the Oseen equations. The proposed method consist in adding a high resistance potential to the system such that some subset of its boundary support represents the obstacle. This allows to work in a fixed domain and highly simplify the solution of the inverse problem via some suitable cost functional. Existence of minimizers and first and second order optimality conditions are derived through the differentiability of the solutions of the Oseen equation with respect to the potential. Finally, several numerical experiments using Navier-Stokes flow illustrate the applicability of the method, for the localization of a bi-dimensional cardiac valve from MRI and ultrasound flow type imaging data

    Nonlinear Neumann boundary stabilization of the wave equation using rotated multipliers.

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    17 pages, 9 figuresWe study the boundary stabilization of the wave equation by means of a linear or non-linear Neumann feedback. The rotated multiplier method leads to new geometrical cases concerning the active part of the boundary where the feedback is applied. Due to mixed boundary conditions, these cases generate singularities. Under a simple geometrical condition concerning the orientation of the boundary, we obtain stabilization results in both cases

    Constraining surface emissions of air pollutants using inverse modelling: method intercomparison and a new two-step two-scale regularization approach

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    International audienceWhen constraining surface emissions of air pollutants using inverse modelling one often encounters spurious corrections to the inventory at places where emissions and observations are colocated, referred to here as the colocalization problem. Several approaches have been used to deal with this problem: coarsening the spatial resolution of emissions; adding spatial correlations to the covariance matrices; adding constraints on the spatial derivatives into the functional being minimized; and multiplying the emission error covariance matrix by weighting factors. Intercomparison of methods for a carbon monoxide inversion over a city shows that even though all methods diminish the colocalization problem and produce similar general patterns, detailed information can greatly change according to the method used ranging from smooth, isotropic and short range modifications to not so smooth, non-isotropic and long range modifications. Poisson (non-Gaussian) and Gaussian assumptions both show these patterns, but for the Poisson case the emissions are naturally restricted to be positive and changes are given by means of multiplicative correction factors, producing results closer to the true nature of emission errors. Finally, we propose and test a new two-step, two-scale, fully Bayesian approach that deals with the colocalization problem and can be implemented for any prior density distribution
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